人格 · 5 月. 4, 2023/星期四







ISTP 是天生的機械師、運動員、音樂家、技師和工程師。

ISTP 最樂於使用他們已知的技能,而不是被扔進他們沒有親身經歷的情境中。每種情況下變化的細微差別將為 ISTP 的體驗帶來新鮮感。

ISTP常常抵制或反對全新的環境,或者需要大量結構性的計劃和思考環境。這種思考方式對ISTP來說是陌生的,因此也不舒服。當有人試圖推動或控制 ISTP 進入這些情況時,他或她可能會頭也不回地“離開”那個人。他們這樣的抵制機制,這可能導致他們提前輟學,辭掉令他們覺得窒息的工作,或者放棄期望太多的關係。

ISTP 通常很討人喜歡,並且擁有比正常內向者更多的朋友和社交互動。

ISTP 真正享受朋友的陪伴,需要他們對他或她的物質世界的投入,以保持他們對自己在世界上的位置的理解。

ISTP 的成功感主要取決於他們對物質世界的掌握,但也取決於牢固、可靠的人際關係的存在。沒有這些關係,ISTP 很可能會避免關係,孤立自己,並感到非常容易受到拒絕和傷害。


作為 ISTP,你擁有其他類型人所不具備的與生俱來的特殊人格天賦。通過認知你的特殊天賦以及鼓勵它們成長和發,你將更容易地找到自己的定位,並對你的角色更加滿意。

幾乎所有的 ISTP 都會認識到自己的以下特徵。他們應該擁抱並培養這些優勢:

  1. 他們有一種天生的能力,可以集中注意力並與周圍環境“融為一體”。這種能力使他們成為偉大的運動員、舞者和音樂家。他們與物質世界有著天生的優雅聯繫。
  2. 他們與周圍的自然環境高度協調,因此他們有著很好的審美能力。他們欣賞美。如果他們願意,他們可能發展操控物質世界作為藝術的表達的能力,從而變成藝術家。
  3. 他們是傑出的危機解決者。他們可以迅速判斷形勢和應用邏輯立刻決定控制問題的下一步。因為ISTP使用邏輯是基於他們個人經驗,因此隨著他們獲得更多的經驗,他們解決問題的能力會越來越好。出於這個原因,機械師、技術員和計算機分析師(例如)的 ISTP 在該領域工作了很長時間後,往往會獲得“大師”的地位。
  4. 他們是非常感性和朴實的人。他們通常非常性感、誘人。

ISTP 的外傾感覺已經發展到可以定期以客觀的方式獲取信息,而不是嚴格地支持他們自己的生活方式,他們將享受這些特殊的禮物:

  1. 他們具有吸引人和引人注目的個性,深受大多數人的喜愛和接受。
  2. 他們常常非常聰明,能解決各種工作中的難題。
  3. 他們了解親密關係的好處,並了解如何支持和加強這些關係。
  4. 他們幾乎可以處理交給他們的任何任務。





在這種情況下,ISTP 可能會不同程度地表現出以下部分或全部弱點:

  1. ISTP 只做那些自己已知和舒適的事情,會容易變得“墨守成規”。
  2. ISTP 抵制和拒絕任何不支持他們從自己的經驗裡所理解的東西。如果在他們的生活方式和他們遇到的事情間有沖突的話,他們不會客觀地感知那個“某事”。確切的說,他們拒絕理解這件事情,以避免沖突,以保護他們內在世界的純潔性。
  3. 他們選擇與支持自己生活方式的人相處,拒絕想法或生活方式不同的人。
  4. 他們可能對於試圖控制他們的社會組織和機構過於偏執。
  5. 他們可能不知不覺或者無意中傷害別人的感情。
  6. 他們可能完全不知道如何以有意義的方式向他人表達自己的內心世界。
  7. 他們可能完全不知道在親密關係中通常需要和(在某種程度上)期望的溝通類型。如果他們知道為了培養情感紐帶而應該說和做的事情的種類,他們可能無法欣賞這些行為的價值。他們可能覺得太脆弱而無法以這種方式表達自己,因此拒絕了整個想法。
  8. 如果把他們置身於他們認為的舒適條件之外,他們會認為在承擔義務並在情感上受到束縛,他們可能會完全拒絕這一段關係。
  9. 在壓力之下,他們可能表現出與當前情況不相稱的強烈情緒。


幾乎以上描敘的所有問題特征都能歸結為在不同程度上的ISTP普遍問題, 即只接受或支持與他們自己的生活經歷相關的所有信息。


當ISTP以不惜一切代價達成他們的個人目標時,問題就出現了。 在生活中選擇自己的道路和目標以符合自己的價值觀和特長,這對自己而言是很有益的。然而,有的時候我們想得太多了,忽略了對世界準確客觀的理解,從而陷入一種更容易為我們所接受的淺顯的看法。





事實上,ISTP可能否認社會禮儀、規則和期望的重要性。這是 ISTP 天生的弱點,這無疑會導致 ISTP 和他們的愛人發生衝突。



他們並沒有增加對社交和親密行為的理解——相反,他們正在降低這種理解對自己生活的重要性。在這些情況下,ISTP 會迴避非常親密的人際關係,並且在涉及表達情緒的情況下會感到更加脆弱和缺乏自信。


作為一個個體,在成長過程中,ISTP 需要專注於通過外傾感覺吸收盡可能多的信息。他或她需要允許自己,進入那些他們覺得不太舒服或者完全不同於他們平常選擇的生活中。




ISTP 通常有一群忠誠的朋友,他們可以融入其中並感到自在。ISTP在融入我們的世界方面遇到的問題通常與柏拉圖式的友誼(純粹的友誼)無關。通常,ISTP 很難找到並維持一段浪漫的戀愛關係。ISTP的需求通常非常簡單、對配偶的期望也不怎麽多,所以他們發現他們的配偶對自己有更複雜的需求時會感到驚訝和困惑。他們覺得不足以滿足配偶的需要,並開始對這種情況感到非常不舒服,因為他們感到自己被他人期待,要做一些自己不熟悉的事情,這可能會導致他們從關系中談出。在浪漫關系之外,他們可能會感到不被愛、不被賞識,他們害怕被拒絕和傷害而不敢投入一段新的浪漫關系中。


















編輯於 2020-04-24 09:11


ISTP Personality Type Profile


“ISTP” is one of sixteen personality types. While some estimates suggest ISTPs comprise only 5% of the general population, my research and experience suggests this type to be more common, perhaps even as high as 8%. Male ISTPs are thought to outnumber ISTP females at a clip of three to one.


Like the INTP, the ISTP’s dominant function is Introverted Thinking (Ti), which can be associated with high levels of focus, self-discipline, intentionality, independence, and intensity of thought. ISTPs take life rather seriously and use their inner logic to discern the best ways of navigating it. They may, for instance, use Ti to work out their own personal methods for maximizing performance in a particular sport. They love using their Ti to solve practical problems or to optimize functioning. Because of their independence, self-directedness, and competitiveness, ISTPs may excel at nearly anything they set their mind to.


Because ISTPs’ Thinking is introverted in its direction (Ti), it often goes unnoticed by outsiders. What others tend to see is ISTPs’ engaging in action (Se) or mixing with people (Fe). ISTPs’ Extraverted Feeling (Fe) can bring a surprising amount of affability and personableness to their outward presentation. ISTPs often present as sincere, genuine, and approachable. Their Fe confers a certain childlike innocence that others may find refreshing.


Since neither Ti nor Se is a highly verbal function, ISTPs can be persons of few words. Their relationships are often built around shared interests or activities rather than extensive conversation. But since status and reputation are important to their Se and Fe, ISTPs may be far more talkative at work or in public settings than they are at home. In public, they may be fun and outgoing. In private, they may seem more aloof or disengaged, sensing that their intimates cannot provide them the same degree of ego boost they find in the public arena (Fe). This ostensible disparity between their private and public persona may lead their intimates to consider them narcissistic or hypocritical.


ISTPs commonly display conventional, sometimes stylish, forms of dress. While their Ti is concerned with functionality and practicality, their Se and Fe are attuned to the trendy and popular. Physically, ISTPs may have either a lanky or muscular build. While athletic engagement often keeps them fit throughout their childhood, their love for food (Se) may lead to problems with weight in adulthood.


While not to the same extent as their ESTP counterparts, ISTPs are undeterred from investing in high quality and/or high-status goods. Like other Se types, they can appreciate excellent food (some are even foodies) and stylish clothing. Fancy or vintage sports cars, motorcycles, or power tools commonly line the garages of ISTPs.


Like other SP types, ISTPs often display great kinesthetic intelligence. They are often mechanically-inclined and endowed with excellent hand-eye coordination. In contrast to INTPs, who sport high levels of mental energy, ISTPs may exhibit higher levels of physical energy and stamina. While INTPs use their Ne to explore ideas, the ISTP and ISFP prefer using their hands, body, and other senses to explore and manipulate the concrete world (Se).


Because of their preference for hands-on activities, ISTPs may underperform in academic settings. This is typically not due to a lack of ability per se, but a lack of interest or stimulation. As is true for all Sensing types, being forced to deal in abstractions for too long can be draining for ISTPs. Their need for physical activity and impatience with abstractions may also explain why ISTP school children are more likely to be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD than some of the other personality types. ISTP students who can set their focus on a particular career goal or endpoint, such as becoming a surgeon, are apt to fare better.


Generally speaking, ISTP career-seekers are wise to pursue careers that allow them to use their practical intelligence to solve concrete problems (i.e., Holland “Realistic” careers). They can make excellent artisans, athletes, mechanics, drummers, maintenance workers, chiropractors, surgeons, pilots, chefs, etc.


While ISTP differ from ISTJs by only one “preference”(i.e., J-P), these types actually share zero functions in common. This makes them far more different than is sometimes recognized. As TJ types, ISTJs are more direct and firm (even blunt) in their assertions than ISTPs are. ISTPs use Fe rather than Te, which confers a certain social ease, even charm, which ISTJs often lack. Moreover, ISTPs use Se rather than Si, making them less concerned with preserving past precedent than ISTJs are. Finally, ISTPs are more inclined toward “hands-on” and Realistic careers, whereas ISTJs gravitate toward “white collar” sorts of work.


ISTP Personality Development &“Functional Stack”


Each personality type prefers to use four of the eight functions first described by Jung. These four functions comprise a type’s “functional stack.” The relative strength of preference for these four functions is expressed in the following manner: dominant, auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior. ISTPs’ first preference is Ti, followed by Se, Ni and Fe respectively. This is depicted in the arrangement of their functional stack:

每種人格型都傾向於使用榮格所描述的八種功能中的四種。這四個功能組成了一種“人格”的“功能類型”。這四個功能的相對強度以下列方式排序:主導功能、輔助功能、第三功能和第四功能。ISTP的主導功能是Ti,其次是Se,Ni 和Fe功能。以下為具體描述:

ISTPs’ functional stack :


Dominant function: Introverted Thinking (Ti)主導功能:內向思考(Ti)

Auxiliary function: Extraverted Sensing (Se)輔助功能:外向感覺(Se)

Tertiary function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)第三功能:內向直覺(Ni)

Inferior function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe)第四功能:外向情感(Fe)

While we will soon discuss each function in greater depth, for now, we will turn to another feature of ISTPs’ personality—their type development. As is true for all types, ISTPs’ type development consists of three general phases. These phases roughly correspond to the ordering of the functional stack, with Ti being the first function to blossom, Se the second, on so on. But as we will see, the inferior function is sort of a special case, summoning ISTPs’ attention at an earlier phase than might otherwise be expected.


Phase I (Childhood-20s)


This phase is characterized by the emergence and differentiation of ISTPs’ dominant function, Introverted Thinking (Ti). Early in life, ISTPs often use their Ti to focus on one or two pursuits. They may for instance, funnel their Ti energies into mastering video games, tinkering with computers, or learning the best way of shooting a basketball. Since they often apply their Ti to hands-on activities—sports, Legos, drumming, video games, and the like—Phase I ISTPs may also show significant development of their auxiliary function, Extraverted Sensing (Se).


Since their Ti is a rational Judging function, ISTPs tend to approach life fairly seriously. Even from a relatively young age, they can be self-disciplined and goal-oriented, striving for excellence in whatever they do. They can differ markedly from ESTPs in this regard, whose dominant function (Se) is a Perceiving function, leading Phase I ESTPs to be more open-ended and easygoing. While both types utilize Se and Ti, ESTPs are more concerned with perceiving or experiencing the outside world (Se), while ISTPs are more intentional, focused, and self-directed (Ti).


Phase II (Late Teens-30s)


Once their dominant Ti reaches a certain threshold of strength and dominance, ISTPs’ inferior function, Extraverted Feeling (Fe), enters the picture and begins to play a more influential role. This can be confusing because Fe is not next in line in their functional stack. Its undue influence can be understood as deriving from its bipolar relationship with ISTPs’ dominant Ti.


Phase II ISTPs also show increasing use and development of their auxiliary function, Extraverted Sensing (Se). This may involve exploring new hobbies and interests, such as gourmet cooking. As a Perceiving function, Se also leads to an opening of their Ti judgments to see if they pass the test of lived experience. Since Se is an extraverted and expansive function, Phase II ISTPs may feel it necessary to explore a wide range of experiences before arriving at confident conclusions.


Phase II ISTPs may also begin to tap into their tertiary function, Introverted Intuition (Ni), which can subconsciously assist ISTPs in piecing together their Se experiences, further clarifying their identity and worldview.


Phase III (30s, 40s,& Beyond)


If all goes well and they are fortunate enough to enter Phase III, ISTPs become increasingly aware of the insidious ways of their inferior Fe. As they become more aware of their inferior and learn to function more authentically as ISTPs, they can experience greater balance between their Ti and Fe. This will be elaborated later in this profile.


ISTPs’ Dominant Function: Introverted Thinking (Ti)


To understand ISTPs, or other IP types, it is necessary to recognize the full implications of their dominant function being a Judging function. I discuss this issue in my post, Rethinking Judging and Perceiving in Introverts. In short, I suggest that ISTPs are best viewed as predominant Judgers and display many characteristics of EJs, only that these behaviors are directed inwardly or toward themselves.

要很好地理解ISTP或其他IP型人格,必須要充分地認識到他們的主導功能是一種判斷型功能(Ti or Fi)。簡單來說,ISTP應該被視為判斷主導型人格,他們擁有眾多和EJ型人格(主導功能為Te or Fe)一樣的特性,只是IP型人格的行為更加內化、更自我導向。

Ti involves the use of logic and reason for the sake of understanding a given problem, situation, or system. ISTPs use Ti to solve problems, to optimize functioning, and to bring structure and order to their inner world. This inner structuring grants them a strong sense of inner control. It allows ISTPs to be inwardly self-disciplined and to independently manage their lives and personal projects.


The disciplined nature of Ti may inspire ISTPs to frame their lives in terms of personal challenges or a series of independent projects. While not shying away from competing with others, ISTPs enjoy taking on challenges and projects for the mere pleasure of it. Such challenges may be physical (e.g., trying to achieve an optimal level of fitness), practical (e.g., fixing a car), creative (e.g., craftsmanship), or interpersonal.


At times, the inwardly focused and intentional nature of Ti lead can lead ISTPs to mistype themselves as ISTJs. In so doing, they rightly recognize their inner Judging nature, but wrongly conclude that they must be a J-type. They fail to recognize that the J-P label refers only to outward demeanor and behavior. This may partly explain what I see as the underrepresentation of ISTPs in demographic data.


Ti might also be viewed in terms of fluid intelligence, whereas Extraverted Thinking (Te) seems more related to crystallized intelligence. Ti is more intuitive, contextual, and right-brained, whereas Te is more procedure-oriented and left-brained. The fluid nature of their Ti, combined with the keen observational powers of their Se, contributes to ISTPs’ acumen as practical problem solvers. ISTPs can analyze a situation, discern how things should work, and then determine how to fix it. While a Te type might feel compelled to use schematics or manuals to diagnose the problem, ISTPs rely on their Ti’s ability to reason their way through concrete problems, even those they’ve never encountered. This contributes to their skill as mechanics, maintenance workers, machinists, surgeons, technicians, etc.


ISTPs’ Auxiliary Function: Extraverted Sensing (Se)


Introverted Sensing (Si) is conservative with respect to new sensations and the material world. Extraverted Sensing (Se), by contrast, is more materially liberal and novelty-oriented. Se types (especially ESPs) often exhibit a laissez-faire,“eat, drink, and be merry” approach to life.


Unlike Si, Se is not content with routine and familiar experiences. For this reason, ISTPs enjoy physical thrills and new sensations. Their Ti penchant for challenges, combined with the physically active and explorative nature of their Se, makes ISTPs solid candidates for sports and physical challenges. While their inferior Fe may like the camaraderie associated with team sports, ISTPs may also enjoy the individual challenge of activities like cycling or long-distance running.


Se also attunes to the concrete details and sensory information of the environment by way of the five senses. SP types scan the environment for interesting sensory novelties, noticing details in the environment that other types might readily gloss over. This is why SPs (especially ESPs) often have strong visual recall, or what is sometimes dubbed a “photographic” memory. ISTPs may utilize their Se’s attention to detail in any number of ways.


ISTPs also employ their Se in their daily work as mechanics, technicians, chefs, construction workers, etc. They make excellent craftsmen, using their Se to attend to the finest physical details. They love working with their hands and using tools to produce high quality pieces.


Unlike the Ne-Si function pair, which encourages makeshift tool use (Ne) in the name of material conservation (Si), the Se-Ni function pair impels ISTPs to acquire the right tools in order to do the job the “right way.” In this vein, ISTPs are not opposed to spending a little extra on high quality tools, parts, etc.


Se also differs from Ne in that it is not a highly verbal or abstract function. So while INTPs enjoy sitting around discussing ideas, ISTPs would often prefer to be “doing” something. Even watching sports can be more stimulating than conversation for ISTPs, since it stimulates their Se and allows them to vicariously participate in the action.


ISTPs’ Tertiary Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)


ISTPs’ tertiary function is Introverted Intuition (Ni). In combination with their dominant Ti, ISTPs may display some degree of interest in abstract or theoretical topics. After all, Ni and Ti are the same two introverted functions employed by INFJs, who are among the most theoretical-minded of all types. However, because ISTPs’ Ni is more unconscious, it is less accessible to them for immediate intuitive perception. Therefore, like other SP types, ISTPs are more likely to gain insight through analyzing a breadth of life experiences (Ti-Se). Ni can also aid in the process, helping ISTPs synthesize and extract meaning from a breadth of Se experiences.


ISTPs’ Inferior Function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe)


Like other types, ISTPs can be easily blinded to the degree to which their inferior function impacts their decisions and behavior. Without sufficiently understanding the inferior function, Extraverted Feeling (Fe), ISTPs will continue to feel incomplete and be prone to unhealthy decision-making in their careers, lifestyle, and relationships.

和其他人格型一樣,ISTP也容易忽視掉他們的第四功能——外向情感(Fe),直到這已經影響到他們的行為和決策。如果沒有足夠意識並發展他們的第四功能, ISTP將會持續地感覺到生命的不完整,也將極有可能在職業選擇和人際關系中做出不明智的決定。

The ISTP’s personality type dynamics can be largely understood as an attempt find a balance between Ti and Fe, independence (Ti) and interdependence (Fe), self (Ti) and others (Fe). Since Ti and Fe comprise a functional whole, ISTPs intuitively realize that they need to better integrate their Fe in order to feel more whole and complete.


Obsessiveness / Workaholism


“In the grip” of the inferior function, all personality types are prone to acting compulsively and obsessively. Grip experiences can be difficult to escape, since the less conscious self (i.e., the inferior function) takes over as the driver of the personality. While the content of grip experiences may differ across the types, their basic shape is essentially the same.


For ISTPs (and INTPs), being in the grip often involves workaholism. As T dominants, work (including personal projects and hobbies), comprises a central component of ISTPs’ identity. In doing what they enjoy, ISTPs are naturally very disciplined and thorough. When they are in the grip, however, they become obsessive, perfectionistic, and unable to let go of whatever they are doing. During such times, ISTPs may alienate themselves from others, insisting they need more and more time to themselves (this is why ISTPs often test as Enneagram Fives). They become trapped, functioning only in Judging mode (Ti-Fe), while forgoing the Perceiving functions (Se-Ni) in the middle of their functional stack.


As for all types, the process of slipping into grip experiences is often subtle and insidious. For instance, ISTPs may have a goal in mind for what they want to accomplish that day, only to discover the task much larger than they originally imagined. But because a bigger task poses a greater challenge, they take the bait and see if they can still manage to get it done. The problem, of course, is that this essentially locks them into Judging mode, since any deviation into Se Perceiving will preclude them from accomplishing their goal. This includes closing themselves off to other people, who come to be viewed as intrusions or impediments to their productivity. Consequently, ISTPs who are frequently in the grip may end up ostracizing themselves from other people.


What is interesting is that ISTPs, like other types, can be relatively unaware of falling into a grip experience, rationalizing their obsessiveness as being “efficient” or “productive.” Moreover, since grip experiences are fueled by adrenaline, they can feel “good” at some level, allowing for heightened focus and endurance. At the same time, there is a part of ISTPs that knows they are in trouble. When all they can do is compulsively hurl themselves into their work, a part of them realizes this is unsustainable, unbalanced, and potentially destructive.


To compensate for the isolation involved with grip behavior, ISTPs may “crutch” their inferior Fe through their relationships, which provides the reassurance that external Fe support is available should they need it. This is why so many ISTPs (and INTPs) struggle when it comes to balancing their work and interpersonal relationships.


Slippery & Elusive Emotions


For ISTPs and INTPs alike, their Fe is rather naive and childlike. They may be easily moved by cheesy romantic comedies or sappy love songs, anything that incites their subconscious Fe emotions. They can also be easy targets for “love at first sight” sorts of infatuation. They may be particularly susceptible to being wooed by Feeling types (especially FJs), who can bypass their typical channels of logic and appeal directly to ISTPs’ less conscious Fe.


Because of the inferior position of their Fe, ISTPs struggle to intentionally contact or understand their emotions. It’s not they never experience emotions, but only that their emotions seem to have a mind of their own, coming and going as they please. So even if ISTPs are aware of what emotions are appropriate for a given situation, they often do not “feel” them at the time, engendering a sense of awkwardness or discomfort in emotional situations. They may even experience the desired emotion a few hours later, but it’s almost as though their emotions get “stage fright” when “put on the spot.” To compensate, ISTPs may try to use their Fe to offer the socially-appropriate words. But without experiencing the emotions directly, they often sound clumsy or contrived in their expressions. At times, this can be difficult for their romantic partners, particularly for FJ types, who desire a reciprocation of authentic emotional expression. But because of their Fe stage fright, ISTPs may not experience their feelings “at the right times” or can have trouble expressing them when they are present.


While ISTPs can certainly have trouble contacting their emotions, they usually have little difficulty overriding or detaching from them. Consequently, ISTPs are less apt to struggle with guilt, regret, or shame in the way that other types might. Others may even be surprised how quickly ISTPs can resume “business as usual” after what most would consider tragic or traumatic circumstances. This should not necessarily be viewed as a flaw in the ISTP, however, but merely a reflection of the unconscious nature of their Fe.


Conflict-Avoidance & Desire for Affirmation


ISTPs’ want everyone to feel included and to be treated with fairness and respect (Fe). While not as warm or effusive as FJ types, ISTPs are concerned with others’ feelings and try to avoid hurting or offending them. Like FJ types, they seek to maintain a basic level of harmony in their immediate circumstances.


Fe also contributes to ISTPs’ desire for public affirmation. Fe involves making connections between one’s own emotions and those of others. While ISTPs may not always “feel” what others are feeling, their Fe still desires the sense of social affirmation and validation. Consequently, there are times when ISTPs are helpful or compliant largely for the sake of external approval or to maintain a certain public perception. ISTPs with a strong concern for their image can take social engagements quite seriously. They want others to see them as laudable employees, spouses, parents, or citizens. Their desire for public esteem can also be a motivating force in ISTPs’ desire for achievement (This is why ISTPs may also score high as Enneagram Threes).


ISTPs’ propensity for conflict-avoidance and need for affirmation, on the one hand, with their need for independence (Ti), on the other, contributes to no small number of relational difficulties. Especially when in the grip of workaholism, ISTPs may feel they don’t need or want other people around. Eventually, they come to a point of feeling miserably imbalanced, which prompts them to reinitiate contact with others, at least until they fall into the grip again. This cycle of alternating between needing and devaluing others is common among ISTPs and narcissists alike.


In the name of conflict-avoidance and preservation of external harmony, ISTPs may do all they can to circumvent directly expressing their frustrations or grievances. Wittingly or not, they view conflict as a potential threat to the relationship they depend on to meet their Fe needs, as well as a threat to the flawless image they seek to preserve. So rather than giving voice (Fe) to their concerns, ISTPs are more apt to analyze (Ti) or act on them (Se), often in passive-aggressive ways. They may, for instance, intentionally start spending more time at the office as a passive form of rebellion against their partner. Or, they may make sudden executive decisions without giving others any say or prior notice. Poor communication can also lead ISTPs to create a convoluted set of assumptions about what their partners think, want, and expect. Unhealthy ISTPs may spin an ever-expanding web of faulty beliefs and assumptions about their partner. In so doing, they often come to resent or otherwise think negatively of their mates, even if largely a product of their own faulty conclusions.


Personal Growth for ISTPs


Personal growth for ISTPs involves integrating their Fe through consistent and satisfying use of their Ti and Se. Integrating ISTPs must also must learn to recognize the difference between healthy modes of work versus functioning in the grip of their inferior function. Healthy work for ISTPs includes remaining open to Se experiences and diversions, which can keep them from becoming too one-track minded.


In addition to taking a healthier approach to their work, integrating ISTPs must enhance their self-awareness and communication in their relationships. This includes working to unearth all their implicit assumptions about relationships in general and their partner in particular. It means being willing to dialogue about uncomfortable topics that may produce temporary pain or conflict. It is not until they “clear the air,” learning to be more open and honest with themselves and their partners, that ISTPs will experience true satisfaction and wholeness in their relationships.







看狐貍的貓 2019-06-21 17:25:26





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  • 避免陷入機會主義


  • 定期停下來反思自己


Ringo 2021-11-23MBTIISTP個人成長


















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